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After Death Communication

Your Loved One May Try to Contact You. Studies have shown here in America; that 80 percent of widows and widowers, or life partners have seen or felt the presence of their partner after his or her death. Our other loved ones will try to contact us as well. They may have difficulty getting words through to you. But they can often manage signs. Signs and dreams are the easiest way for them to communicate with loved ones here. You do have control over how this happens. If you are afraid that you might be too scared to see your loved one who has died, ask them to come to see you and meet with you in your dreams. For many grieving family members that is their first contact with their loved ones after they pass over to the Other Side.(See 2 Dimes in a Bottle Parts 1, 2, and 3 on my YOUTUBE channel).

Remember it may be easiest for young children to see or hear from their parent before you do. It is not unusual for cats and dogs to see and respond to the presence of a loved one in spirit. Some dogs will play with a visiting Spirit Loved One. You may sometimes see a cat or dog playing with someone that you cannot see. But they can see the spirits we cannot. Animal spirits often return to visit their human loved ones. Occasionally you will see a new dog playing with the spirit of its predecessor. You may hear your deceased cat running down the hallway, or the bells on the collar of your deceased doggie loved one who has returned to let you know that he still lives on and still loves you.

Resources for the Grieving Soul:

What happens when we or our loved ones die?

For most people,when we die,our soul shakes off the body like a suit of old clothes and our spirit moves towards Divine light.Our Angels,and Spirit Loved Ones guide us into the Light. Free of the body and standing before the Light; each Spirit has a choice to continue on into the White Light-Spirit vibration of Heaven; or to stay about the earthly clime for awhile.

I have observed that this process may be different for the Spirits of those who have committed suicide;those who have died while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or in a coma; or those who have died violently or suddenly. Individuals who did not believe in an afterlife, and those who judged themselves as being a bad parent, evil, or 'not good enough for heaven', create an afterlife experience in keeping with their self judgement. Spirit Guides continue to visit them to pursuade them to move into the Divine Light of the Heavenly vibration.Some spirits may become ghosts or earthbound spirits through an inability to let go of earthly concerns or passions.They require assistance from Spirit Guides, Mediums , Shamanic Practioners, and the prayers of Loved Ones to move beyond the familiarity of Earth and forward into Divine Light.