Eddita Felt/Frontiers of the Mind
Paranormal Investigation Packages

Basic package for a home or business

**Note: the basic package price of $320 is good for up to 5 rooms and an attic or basement, and includes the immediate front and back yards (or up to 3 hours of time). Any additional rooms, outdoor buildings, or time required for the investigation (due to a larger home or excessive paranormal findings that takes more time) will be billed at $45 per half hour. Plus: .40 cents per mile for 2 team members driving beyond 25 miles from Lisbon, ME (team members will carpool whenever possible). 2 people on site for a psychic medium interpretation, dowsing, energy clearing and balancing, removal of spirit entities and residual energies, some audio taping and/ or emf readers may be used.* Old Home Readings and Real Estate Property Readings- A service for investors: $90 per hour


Deluxe Package for a home or business

Plus: .40 cents per mile for 2 team members driving beyond 25 miles from Lisbon, ME (team members will carpool whenever possible). 3 to 4 people on site for any of the following: Frank box, voltmeter, 2-3 hours of infrared photography, set up and interpretation of evidence with written report from technician, 2-3 hours for each member at onsite investigation (dowsing work, structural investigation, psychic medium interpretation, spirit pictures, orb photography) services may include remote work on energy redirection/clearing and/or spirit entity removal. May also include spirit work for outdoor areas such as parking lots, driveways, porches, outbuildings etc for work such as relocating earth energies causing issues at the location, and the removal of residual energies and/or entities. Debriefing / written report from team, copies of photos, audio recordings.*


*Redirection Circle if needed

no charge